Arduino Windows Attack Tool

A few meetings back I demoed my Arduino Windows attack tool. The Arduino and shield emulate a keyboard when plugged into a PC. Once triggered it opens the DOS edit program, writes some vbscript to a file called go.vbs, then runs it using wscript. The script downloads a payload from a web server. In the case of the demo it was a reverse shell that connects back to a nc listener from msf. I got the idea from the Social-Engineering Toolkit Teensy USB HID Attack but I dont have/want a teensy so I looked and looked for an Arduino version but all I could find was a USB keyboard lib, so my value add was porting it to the Arduino.

Here is the USB lib I used.

Here is the schematic for the shield: *I added a button on pin 12

Here is the code for the Arduino:

And there you have it, my Arduino Windows attack tool. Its a little messy and hacked together, but it works. Enjoy 🙂

Many thanx to SilkyPantsDan, Rancid Bacon, and Practical Arduino

3D Printer Fund

There has been a lot of buzz about 3D printers over the last year.  Prices are coming down and resolution has been increasing.  Klaiviel, our resident lockpicking guru, is attempting to start a business around it.  We feel that DC414 as a whole needs their hands on this technology.  We’re starting a 3D printer fund starting now.

There are many options to go with but we want to get the ball rolling while research is happening in parallel.  Price range we’re looking at is between $500 and $1,000 for quality printers.

This won’t happen without help from people like you.   Once purchases / assembled / hacked, our goal is to make the printer accept jobs from online. We’d queue up jobs and have a webcam feed to view progress when printing remotely.   Notifications would be sent out to the author upon start, completion, and possibly other metrics we can get out of the printer.

  • Donate $25+ gets you free stickers
  • Donate $50+ gets you a free shirt
  • Donate $100+ gets you free prints for 6 months
  • Donate $150+ gets you free prints and priority for 6 months

Any size donation gets you on the thank you list.

As of now we have $233 in the fund.  Make your donation now (look to the right) and lets get this ball rolling.

June meeting recap

June’s meeting was great! More new faces, lots of beer, and plenty of pizza 🙂 Ngharo got things started by making a few announcements like our new VPN that is available for donating members, and asking everyone what they are hacking ATM and what they wanna hack next. I was up next and talked about the new server and some of the sections of the site. Then Ulic gave us all the 411 on the Flamer virus sweeping the middle east and some of its unique features. dw5304 took over and gave a sweet demo on how to hack/mod the xbox360, complete with code and points of solder. We got some great pictures this time thanx to cmoney which you can view here. Congrats to nikto, Tony, and Ulic for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway.

Here is nikto and his dc414 junk 🙂

May meeting recap.

May’s meeting was off the hook, one of our best yet! Lots of new faces which is always nice, good demos, and good beer. Ngharo started it off by talking about the hackathon and THOTCON. Klaiviel did his lock master thing and said a few words about TOOOL. Darkwind gave a awesome demo on sniffing pagers. Its crazy to see all the pager traffic that is still out there. Then I showed off my Arduino windows attack tool and pwned a windows 7 box, There will a blog post about that later. Congrats to Genero for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway! I did take a bunch of pictures but my phone was full of fail and didn’t save any of them 🙁 so no pictures of the meeting this time, sorry. I promise to do better next time 😛 later.

THOTCON greatness

This was the best THOTCON I have been to yet! Awesome talks, awesome beer, awesome food, and awesome people kinda sums it up for this year. Mine and ngharo’s talk went really well, and so far I have had lots of good feed back. I was a little drunk by the time we did our talk so that helped a lot, lol. My favorite talk was “Owning Payphones: 3650-Day Exploits” from savant, dude did a wonderful job and violated payphones in dirty ways! The one I learned the most from was “You put what in your DNS record?” from Mubix, yeah zone transfers are old school and I been using it for ever, but I had no idea you could do it to com and stuff, lol. Here are some pics of the swag and the con. Enjoy.

Me and ngharo giving our talk:

Photoshop and WIN!

Show off you leet photoshop skillz and win a dc414 t-shirt!! Make a image for the Web Hacker skills badge and submit it by May 1st for a chance to win. A winner will be picked by all attendees at Mays dc414 meeting for the shirt and as well as 10 runners up who will all get a free random sticker!! 🙂

When you submit your entry be sure to use anarchy at dc414 dot org with a subject of “Web Hacker Skills badge image entry” to make sure I get it. Remember the badges are all one inch circles so you can be sure this contest is a test of your skills. So get gimp or what ever you use fired up, show us what you got, and good luck.