Come on down and fulfill your hacker resolutions with 414!
Same place and time tomorrow
details here
Hack the Planet!
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Come on down and fulfill your hacker resolutions with 414!
Same place and time tomorrow
details here
Hack the Planet!
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If you’ve ever wanted to look back and see what the days of BBSs and phone lines looked it, look no further: IRL Data Haven
Hack the Planet!
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Last call for 2022! Our next meeting is only a day away! Come out and spread the hacker cheer. Or just sit in the corner and pout at us. Either way we’ll have a blast!
See you at Dicken’s!
Hack the Planet!
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Hi hackers!
It’s that time again! Come out and hack with the 414s. Have all the brew! Hack some of the things! Wait — that’s not how it goes… if you need the details.
It’s that time of the month again!
Come on down to Dicken’s on Friday Oct 7th, at 7pm and spend your night with friendly hackers.
Hack the Planet!
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Summer may be coming to a close, but that doesnt mean the hacking fun will stop
We are meeting again this month, same time and place as always!
(That time and place being Dicken’s on Friday Sept 2nd, at 7pm)
Hack the Planet!
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Modding a 18K 0-Scope with water cooling and RGB
Tons of cool hackery projects from this guy, either you will learn something or you’ll be entertained. (Maybe even both!)
Hack the Planet!
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It’s a new month, and that means another 414 meeting with your favorite hackers! Come join us and share some stories, some hacks, some food, beverage, and fun.
We’ll be back at our usual spot at Dicken’s, Friday August 5th, at 7pm! Come downstairs to find us.
Also, be sure to check out the new DEFCON group DC608! The crew over there just had their inaugural meeting, and another one already on the calendar for Thursday! If you are in the area be sure to attend.
See you at the meeting!
Here’s some cool 3d printer hacking history and ways to get started building your own.
There’s plenty of good cheap options now for 3D printers, but nothing beats making your own!
Hack the Planet!
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