Anonymous Press Release: #OpWisconsin


ANONYMOUSDear Citizens of the United States of America,

It has come to our attention that the brothers, David and Charles Koch–the billionaire owners of Koch Industries–have long attempted to usurp American Democracy. Their actions to undermine the legitimate political process in Wisconsin are the final straw. Starting today we fight back.

Koch Industries, and oligarchs like them, have most recently started to manipulate the political agenda in Wisconsin. Governor Walker’s union-busting budget plan contains a clause that went nearly un-noticed. This clause would allow the sale of publicly owned utility plants in Wisconsin to private parties (specifically, Koch Industries) at any price, no matter how low, without a public bidding process. The Koch’s have helped to fuel the unrest in Wisconsin and the drive behind the bill to eliminate the collective bargaining power of unions in a bid to gain a monopoly over the state’s power supplies.

The Koch brothers have made a science of fabricating ‘grassroots’ organizations and advertising campaigns to support them in an attempt to sway voters based on their falsehoods. Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth and Citizens United are just a few of these organizations. In a world where corporate money has become the lifeblood of political influence, the labor unions are one of the few ways citizens have to fight against corporate greed. Anonymous cannot ignore the plight of the citizen-workers of Wisconsin, or the opportunity to fight for the people in America’s broken political system. For these reasons, we feel that the Koch brothers threaten the United States democratic system and, by extension, all freedom-loving individuals everywhere. As such, we have no choice but to spread the word of the Koch brothers’ political manipulation, their single-minded intent and the insidious truth of their actions in Wisconsin, for all to witness.

Anonymous hears the voice of the downtrodden American people, whose rights and liberties are being systematically removed one by one, even when their own government refuses to listen or worse – is complicit in these attacks. We are actively seeking vulnerabilities, but in the mean time we are calling for all supporters of true Democracy, and Freedom of The People, to boycott all Koch Industries’ paper products. We welcome unions across the globe to join us in this boycott to show that you will not allow big business to dictate your freedom.

U.S. Product Boycott List

Vanity Fair
Quilted Northern
Angel Soft
Mardi Gras

European Product Boycott List

Kitten Soft
Lotus / Lotus Soft
Nouvelle Soft
Okay Ktchen Towels

To identify these brands, please look for the following logo anywhere on the packaging:


We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

Flytouch/wowPad 2 Adhoc hack

So i got my sweet ass Flytouch 2 “Android 2.1” last week, after rooting it and updating the firmware i was off having all kinds of fun with my new toy. Then i tried to connect to a Adhoc network “my phone” and was a bit taken back that not only could i not connect to adhoc networks but i couldn’t even see them in my network list. After some time on google and breaking of my wireless i found the right set up to get it working, but it wasn’t very user friendly to say the lest. So i put together a few scripts i/you/someone can use to turn adhoc support on and off with ease 🙂

QR code
After you download to your sdcard and unzip this go into the adhoc folder and edit the wpaon.conf file to point to your AP. Then turn your wifi off get into a term with root access, cd to the adhoc dir and run ahon like so “sh ahon” Then just turn your wifi back on and it should connect right up with the AP you put in wpaon.conf. In order for this to work you must have already rooted your device and have busybox installed.

Stuff i still need to do on this is getting flash to work and upgrading to android 2.2/2.3. If anyone can help me out please drop me a line. Ok thats it enjoy.

Contents of zip:
ahon #The script to turn Adhoc on
ahoff #The script to turn Adhoc off
wpaon.conf #The file you have to edit to point to your Adhoc AP
wpaoff.conf #File used by ahoff, just leave this guy alone
wpabackup #This script will back up your current wpa_supplicant.conf file, run this before using any other tool for the first time.


USBwake is a little Android app that just listens for the device to start charging, then while its charging does not let it go to sleep. I was using the wifi tether a lot lately and it would kill my connection everytime my fone would go to sleep so i made this little guy. I hope some one can get some use out of it, enjoy 🙂

USBwake QR

Last nights meeting.

Last nights meeting was great as always! Trying out the new spot went well, it was a little iffy at the start but everything worked out good. Lots of new faces which is always welcome and plenty of chatter. Lots of lock picking mayhem, as always, and dw attempted to wow us with some wifi magic but was being plague by gremlins, maybe i can get him to stop by and blog about it. By the next meeting he promised to have all the bugs worked out and give it another go, i cant wait!! I didnt take any pictures this time around, sorry i was busy 😛 ngh did some war driving on our way to the spot, about 47 miles a-b, and found a ton of aps. Ill upload the log when ever ngharo gets them to me. Ok thats it, enjoy and i hope to see everyone at the next meeting!

UPDATE: 2.7.11 – Here is the log from ngharo’s drive. Over a thousand aps in that log 😀 A big thanx to ngharo!!

Material related to operation Tunisia

First the why:

Yeah i hope someone finds the ppl in that van and gives them a slow death!

Anonymous care package for the poor ppl of Egypt –

This from –
( ),,( )                #optunisia                                        ( ),( )
( ‘;’ )                                                                                                                            (‘;’ )
-(. )-                                                                                                                           -(‘.’)-
If you started a pad about something related to Operation Tunisia, add it to this list.
Please save with Nick!!!

Anonymous Press Declarations
[2011-01-15] Tunisia and its chance… (not completed; need rework!)

Guide to Protecting the Tunisian Revolution, Part One: Initial Security yo
Guide to Protecting the Tunisian Revolution, Part Two: Safety in Confrontation

Guide to Protecting the Tunisian Revolution, Part Three: Transforming National Politics (still in progress, please assist)

Stuff about the families who’re stealing Tunisia: (Arabic->English Translation needed!!)
copy at

Manifesto from tunisian protesters: <

Video footage of Tunisia (add your own!)

Tunisians needs FTPs for mirror – #ftp (died?)no #ftp

Untrusted Twitter accounts spreading false news < reverted

Translation pad for Tunisia IRC project

Tunisians, tell your stories here! (need translators)
copy at

Manifesto from Anon about Tunisia:

Video ideas and links:

“Video site” zip and mirrors

Video about a man put out of his country, and subtitle translation (need an incruster for the subtitle)
copy at

Anon Video to be subtitled:

French Pdf to be translated: Relating to the familie who Reign over Carthage.

Diary of Tunisia:

Related Stuff:
Anonymous PR Pad

Swift Assist – helpful notes on establishing secure networks for Tunisian revolutionaries

What the fuck is freedom of speech, anyway? – introduction via IHRL

Using Unetbootin to create bootable USB drive from iso

I had used Unetbootin to create a USB installer from a Ubuntu ISO image. All went OK in creating and installing the USB image following UNetbootin instructions, so I thought.

The Problem
UNetbootin created menu entries in the bootloader containing invalid arguments.
When booting, it would load the kernel, then kick me to a shell stating
init not found pass init= to kernel
Googling reveals many other users having the same issue.

The Solution
Bootable Linux CDs usually always contain a configuration file for the bootloader. I mounted the ISO image loopback (# mount -o loop image.iso /mnt/mountpoint) and found Ubuntu 10.x is using Grub, which is pretty standard across all Linux distros. Looking at this config file in /boot/grub/loopback.cfg in my instance, I was able to see how Ubuntu was expected to boot.

Here’s what the default menu entry in Ubuntu Netbook image looks like:
menuentry "Try Ubuntu Netbook without installing" {
linux /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-netbook.seed boot=casper iso-scan/filename=${iso_path} quiet splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.lz

Passing kernel=/casper/vmlinuz initrd=/casper/initrd.lz boot=casper to UNetbootin’s bootloader and it booted right up.

Repairing HP Ipaq hx2755 SDcard slot

I got the hx2755 a long time ago, back when it was top of the line and it served me well. One day the SDCard slot just stopped working but by that time i had a smart phone and didn’t use it much anymore, my kids used it more then i did. So for a long time it sat taking up space, i had intended to open it up for some time and try to fix it but never had a tool that would allow me to do so. Well i finally got off my ass and made my way to the local hardware store to find the tool i needed, the fucker was $5! So lets get to business! heres a little pick of the device before i opened it up:

So to start i turned it over, removed the battery and unscrewed the four screws i made arrows to in the pic below. One is hidden behind the stylist.

After i got the back off i had two more screws to remove “arrows pointing” and two wires to disconnect “arrows pointing”.

Now i could really open this sucker and take a look at the SDcard slot. Heres what i had to work with:

Now for me to see the pins i had to turn the main board back over and remove the tin shield over the expansion slot. Heres a pick of what im talking about “i put a circle around the shield”:

“Yes i did re-edit a image i already used, needless to say i fucked up lol”

Once i had it removed i was able to see a bent pin for the SDcard slot and used one of my tools to bend it back into place

Then i put it all back together. I was a little amazed it turned on let alone that it actually worked! So now that i have this little guy working like new “almost” again my next move is to put linux or something one it. Wish me luck 😀 Well thats how i repaired my hx2755s SDcard slot. Thats it for now, peace.

BackupPC 3.2.0 XSS

I dont normally make posts about XSS exploits unless there is some special circumstances. I picked this one because BackupPC is a popular network backup tool that you might find in networks all over the place and because there is no built in security you normally only find it on “secure” trusted networks.

So anyway the issue is in It gets a num variable passed to it via get request, then displays the unsanitary input back to the user. So heres PoCs of both the vectors i found.

PoC 1: http://target.server/cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin?action=browse&host=realhostneeded&num=1[XSS] – comes back as a valid request and runs XSS

PoC 2: http://target.server/cgi-bin/BackupPC_Admin?action=browse&host=realhostneeded&num=[XSS] – comes back as ERROR and runs XSS

Like most XSS holes its a easy fix, just edit line 55 in /usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/CGI/ to read like so:
my $num = ${EscHTML($In{num})};

or download this file and replace it with the one in /usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/CGI/ on the installed server.

Ok thats it, peace.