Openings at dc414!

Running dc414 is a big job and we need help! We have a few openings in the ranks if anyone is up to the challenge. There is no pay but there is a few perks.

Current openings:

Web Master. – This person is responsible for all things website. Making posts, replying to people that comment on posts and notify the rest of the crew of things that pop up that requires their attention. We also want to move away from our current CMS to something else and you will be in charge of most of that transfer.

Graphics ninja. – Many parts of dc414 could use a good face lift and this person will be responsible for that, as well as many other projects.

Tech monkey. – Someone that holds, maintains and sets up all dc414 donated hardware at events.

Booty keeper. – Someone to collect and manage donations.

If you think you have what it takes to fill these spots please let me know, anarchy at dc414 dot org

A call for help!

Hey everyone, I need some help getting the word out for the know your rights event. If anyone in MKE can spare some time to pin up a few flyers please let me know. Anyone who helps out will get a free dc414 shirt. Some places I would like to see hit up are FUEL Cafe and Brewing Grounds For Change and any place like them. As well as other cafes and colleges and just anywhere you think is a good place to put flyers. So if you can help out drop me a line at Thank you.

Know your rights event

dc414 is proud to produce the “Know your rights event” on January 11th 2014 at The Meetupery. The goal of this event is to educate the people and teach them how they can preserve their civil liberties during police encounters with confidence. The event will start with a viewing of the 40 minute film “10 Rules for Dealing with Police” from followed by a few words from Stephen Govin attorney at law. After which there will be time for any questions the audience might have.

More information here.

Having fun with my Ham

I recently got a radio that I have been playing around with but there isn’t much for traffic in my area and while I can receive a few repeaters I can not transmit to them so I quickly got board and started looking for other things I can do with it.

Thats when I remembered some 2 way radios my brother got me a while back for hunting and such. I knew it had 3 channels but I had no idea what frequency they used or if it fell in the range of my new toy. Not knowing much about the 2 ways I did find a FCC ID on the back of each hand held.

After doing a quick search on the FCC ID I was delighted to see the 2 way radios operated in my toys range 🙂 So I punched the frequency in my ham radio as fast as I could, turned on the 2 way and started transmitting on my ham. I was over joyed to here my sexy voice loud and clear on the 2 way 😀

Now this is nothing new. Its not even hacking, but it sure feels like it. It was fun going from not knowing anything about it to making it work. So that was my first little adventure with radio, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

November meeting recap.

First, many thanks to The Meetupery for hosting our meeting. You guys rock! Klaiviel got things going with his thingy that he plans on trying to make more of “I hope to get one!”. Then we went around the room and found out what everyone is up to. I made a few announcements that will be repeated here on a later date and Ngharo talked about his big plans for the new and improved dc414 PBX! I can’t wait for that to get done 🙂 Then dc5304 attempted to show us a super sweet SDR but ended up showing us how to brick one 😛 Then we talked about a old ass UHF/VHF scanner that you programmed with crystals I found at a yard sale. The one I got had 8 ports but only 5 crystals 4 of which had been identified with the fifth one unknown. We attempted to find the frequency of it but did not have all the right equipment. Anyway I thought it was a cool little piece of radio history so we gave it away along with a few other things. Here are a few pictures from the meeting. Congrats to the big winner college boy!

dc414 Halloween Party!

Its time for Steph, Alex, and dc414’s annual Halloween party! 🙂 As usual, costumes are recommended but not required. Trick or treat runs 6-8pm – Watch for kids if you come during that time.

We will have chili and other food (and I promise, more dairy free options this time around!). Feel free to bring drinks or a dish to share.

Contact Anarchy Angel for directions – anarchy at dc414 dot org


Format string $20 challenge

At the last meeting I showed everyone how to use a format string vulnerability in a password storage app to bypass the master password and pull data out of memory. That is just one way to exploit this type of vulnerability so I challanged everyone at the meeting to get the app I used “code below” to execute their supplied input. The first person to let me know they got it and do a demo get $20! So it pays to be a little early.

#include < stdio.h >
#include < string.h >

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char** spw = "dc414 pwnz";
char text[1025];
strcpy(text, argv[1]);
if (strcmp(text, "asd123")==0) {
printf("Correct the password is %s \n",spw);
return 0;
printf(" is wrong\n");
return 0;