windows 8/server 2012 unsigned driver hell no more.

So I have this nice new computer that I built with a asus p9x79 motherboard. I wanted it to become a 2012 server for some stuff. After loading the OS I found out that the nic is “incompatible” seeing intel thinks that its a desktop board and should not be used in a server. I went looking though the inf file and found out that it was ignoring the hardware id’s.

ExcludeFromSelect = \

Well this sucks…. lets fix it.

I then removed the exludefromselect and the two lines fallowing it.

went to install the modified driver and ended up with image

well at least I know its ok :). Now lets fix the catalog’s hash.

A hunt on google told me I needed inf2cat so lets download it here.

inf2cat /driver:”C:\Driver” /os:8_X64

My new catalog was created :).
went and tried installing my new driver once again and Damm :(… digital signature is missing wtf???? how the hell am I going to fix that I thought.

A little more searching found out we can make a self signed cert and attach it to a driver “he he”…. nice try Microsoft…..

So lets get this sucker signed. download here

makecert -r -n "CN=Intelnic" -pe -ss MyCertStore -sr LocalMachine

Now I needed to export this cert with its private key so we can import it into “Trusted Root CAs” and “Trusted Publishers” on my local machine I was creating the driver and also on the target machine I wanted to install my driver at :).

Now that we have it imported lets sign this sucker.
signtool sign /s MyCertStore /n "Intelnic" /t "C:\Driver\"

Went back to my server installed the cert int trusted root cas and trusted publishers hey look my nic now works :).

it works

Thanks Microsoft for making a “secure” os that has to have drivers that are signed … but wait…. I just made it my self o well there went that idea….

Arduino Windows Attack Tool

A few meetings back I demoed my Arduino Windows attack tool. The Arduino and shield emulate a keyboard when plugged into a PC. Once triggered it opens the DOS edit program, writes some vbscript to a file called go.vbs, then runs it using wscript. The script downloads a payload from a web server. In the case of the demo it was a reverse shell that connects back to a nc listener from msf. I got the idea from the Social-Engineering Toolkit Teensy USB HID Attack but I dont have/want a teensy so I looked and looked for an Arduino version but all I could find was a USB keyboard lib, so my value add was porting it to the Arduino.

Here is the USB lib I used.

Here is the schematic for the shield: *I added a button on pin 12

Here is the code for the Arduino:

And there you have it, my Arduino Windows attack tool. Its a little messy and hacked together, but it works. Enjoy 🙂

Many thanx to SilkyPantsDan, Rancid Bacon, and Practical Arduino

Rdp 6.2.8250 for windows 7

So i went looking for a way to use the new rdp 6.2 in windows 7 and was unable to find an installer on microsoft website so i decieded to see if i could copy the files and get rdp to work. After several tries i was finaly able to get it to work :).

I included the files below.


on a vaild windows 8 machine:

create a new folder for files someone usb drive is a good palce,
inside this new folder make a folder called en-us and wbem

inside wbem create a folder called en-US (its important u have US captilized)

open Driveroot:\system32\

copy mstsc.exe,mstscav.dll in to the new folder on the usb

copy mstsc.exe.mui and mstscax.dll.mui from Driveroot:\system32\en-us to new folder\en-us

copy mstsc.mof and mstscax.mof from driveroot:\system32\wbem\ to new folder\wbem\

copy mstsc.mfl and mstscax.mof from driveroot:\system32\wbem\en-US\ to new folder\wbem\en-US


and u should be good to go.