September meeting recap

Last meeting was awesome as always, we had some good demos and new faces which is always great. Ngharo started it off going around the room and asking ppl what they hacked last month and what they plan to hack next.

I gave my fakeAP demo to get credit card numbers or sniff traffic. The CC part failed :/ but the sniff part worked like a charm!! Then dw5304 gave a demo titled “Cable hacking for fun” and talked about how to get online anonymously with cable modems, getting almost unlimited bandwidth, modem cloning and lots more. Faraday came packing with some lithium ion batteries and big ass LEDs he gave out “to make flash lights out of” and stuff for making your capacitors which is always fun.

Then I spent the rest of the night drinking beer and yelling in to a ham radio, so I didn’t take any pictures. Congrats to uberushaximus for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway!

Here is a link to the github fakeAP pwnage project, it only works with Backtrack 5 and could use some improvement.

Here is the slides to dw5304’s Cable hacking for fun:!375&authkey=!AF56QcP0xP4Ofco

dc414 @ barcampmke7

Last years barcampmke was awesome, everyone had lots of fun and met some great people. Some of you might remember we had a little stand last year and ran the good old wall of sheep, well we liked it so much that this year we decided to become an official sponsor of barcampmke and expand our operations. This year we will not only be doing the the wall of sheep, but we will also be running a lockpick and tamper evident village, cat5 cable making couples contest, plus giving away free beer!! To get a free beer you have to either pick a lock from the village in under 2 minutes or reveal the secret message contained in a package secured with tamper evident lables, tape, lock seals, and tug tights, or beat your competitor to making a working cat5 cable! So sharpen up on your skills and win some free beer! See you at barcamp.

Lets hack schools

School is about to start back up for the year which gives us a great opportunity to give. So at the next meeting “9.7.12” if you bring in school/art supplies to donate in addition to the normal $5 dc414 donation you will get a “I HACK SCHOOLS” pin and the satisfaction of helping tomorrows generation to learn. So lets hack schools together!

Some ideas of stuff to give:
No.2 pencils
ballpoint pens “red and black”
Spiral-bound or composition notebooks
colored pencils
colored clay
non colored clay “grey”
index cards
construction paper
three ring binders
Pencil sharpener (hand-held with a top to collect shavings)

dc414 donations bucket 2.0

A while back we started using a bucket to collect cash donations at meetings and for a while I have been wanting to trick it out. So I was keeping an eye out for things to add other then blinking lights, then cmoney came home with a powerball advertisement thing from her gas station that has a electric pendulum thing. I wish I had a picture of it but I didn’t have the for site to take one before I took it apart.

So anyway I got right to work on making the bucket pimp. First I made a little board

with a 555 timer blinking light circuit on it.

put some lights on it and wired the pendulum thing to it.

And hot glued it all to the lid of the bucket.

Here is what it looks like all together.

Ok thats it, I hope you think its cool. If you don’t, go fuck your mom.

August meeting awesomeness

Klaiviel started us off by giving us a nice show of binary key card hotel locks popular over seas, showed us a 3d printed key for one of his locks, explained pick proof locks from the 40s that are no longer used but highly effective and how to make them today using regular locks. Then he showed us why he is the second best key impressionist in the world, and made a working key for a lock right in front of us and giving us step by step instructions on how to do it our selves.

I stepped in and gave a quick demo of how I made our new and improved donations bucket which I will be making a blog post on later. Darkwind came packing with a alfa wifi antenna hooked up to a satellite dish! This made a killer directional wifi antenna, we took it up to the roof of bucketworks and got signals from all over including the moon πŸ˜› Ngharo hooked it up to his lappy and cracked a few networks πŸ™‚

After the roof party was over and we got back down stairs Castor gave a DEFCON20 badge hacking demo and showed us how to turn our badges into any other badge type we wanted, then showed us how to make the LEDs on the badge flash out words and stuffs. Then we all just started bull shitting and talking about up coming projects.

Cmoney couldnt make it out so I took a few picture that you can view here. Congrats to darkwind and faraday for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway!!

dc414 @ DEFCON20

Most of the crew will be in Vegas for DEFCON20 this year!!! Lets all get drunk and party! I will also be getting married while there to the super awesome cmoney!! For our brothers not going, we will be doing our best to drink your share of booze πŸ™‚ I get the opportunity to speak on the DCG panel again this year so if you are at DC20 come check it out, me and other POCs will be laying down some knowledge for y’all. Also find me or other dc414 members so we can all party πŸ˜€ I will be taking lots of pictures and posting them on Twitter, Facebook, and G+ so be sure to check that shit out as well. See ya there.

Good times with snmp

At the last meeting dw5304 gave a demo on snmp scanning and gaining access to things you shouldn’t have access to with a few home brew windows apps he coded up. Its been a while since I messed with snmp but his demo got me back into it, so I made a little python script to scan subnets for open snmp servers with the read/write string set to private. Here is the code:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import commands
from scapy.all import *

base = "69.2.1." #IP range to scan minus the last octet.
f = open('/tmp/snmp_output.txt', 'w+')
for i in range(1, 255):
ip = base+str(i)
print ip+"\n"
p = IP(dst=ip)/UDP(dport=161, sport=39445)/SNMP(community="private",PDU=SNMPget(id=1416992799, varbindlist=[SNMPvarbind(oid=ASN1_OID(""))]))
pkt = sr1(p, timeout=1)
if pkt and pkt.sprintf("%IP.proto%") != "icmp":
p1 = pkt.sprintf("%SNMP.PDU%").split("ASN1_STRING['", 1)
p2 = p1[1].split("'", 1)
print pkt.sprintf("%IP.src%")+" - "+p2[0]
f.write(pkt.sprintf("%IP.src%")+" - "+p2[0]+"\n")
print "\nDONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"

Its a little hacked together and could use improvement but it works “feel free to send in any improvements you make”. It puts all the found servers IPs in /tmp/snmp_output.txt along with their system description enumerated via snmp. Here is a sample output: - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - Ruckus Wireless Inc (C) 2006 - 24-port 10/100 + 2-Port Gigabit Switch with WebView and PoE - Product: GW 4 FXS;SW Version: 5.80A.023.006

Once you find a few servers you can do snmpwalks on them and scour it for juicy info.
Here are some good OIDs to look for and/or set: *found most of this online & got some from dw5304

ip.ipForwarding.0 <-this tells you if its forwarding packets or not "useful to DoS a device" <-ipforwardingdest sysName.0 <-device name i 1 ... EnableTelnetServer. = System Description = Modem up time = Some useful information (walk) = HFC IP (getnext) = HFC Subnet (getnext) Mac = Maximum upload bandwidth = Maximum download bandwidth = Current status (walk) = Hosts behind modem = TFTP Configuration file server IP = Configuration file name = Current firmware = DHCP Server IP = Time Server IP = View Log (walk) = Downstream Frequency = Image File = Learned MAC (Get Next) ---[ Read / Write OIDs = Boot modem (1=boot now) = TFTP Firmware server IP = Firmware filename = Firmware update status (1=update now, 2=update on boot,3=disable updates) = SNMP Traps server IP ( = disabled) = SNMP Traps status (1=enabled, 4=disabled) = SNMP Port = SNMP Traps port = HTML Server status (1=enabled, 2=disabled)Other OIDs = modem type = Cable Modem Serial Number = Alternate OID for Config File = Provisional Server = Area String ip) = Subnet Example = CPE USB MAC = Cable Modem USB MAC = Default Gateway MAC Address = Max Burst Up = CPE MAC 1 or 0 enable or disable webif =”reflects the IP stack interfaces on which a ssh = "reflects the user name which will be allowed ssh access." = "reflects the password which will be allowed ssh access." = "start or stop the ssh server. =terminate ssh session

You can find a lot more online. Enjoy and happy hacking πŸ™‚

July meeting sweetness

July’s meeting was hot in more then one way! First I would like to thank genero again for his genorous donation for the raffle, which put a solid $200 in the 3d printer fund!! Also congrats to faraday for winning both the raffle and the Photoshop and WIN contest!! I know it took forever to pick a winner but we did it damnit πŸ˜›

ngharo started the demos off with talking about how he set up dc414’s new astrisk server using google voice as the SIP trunk! Then showed us how he set it up to use NMAP to scan IPs from asterisk and speak the results to you over the phone! Klaiviel took over and made Ngharo a case for his raspberry pi and a penny launcher with his sweet 3d printer. Then I stepped in and showed everyone how to send spoofed emails from the dc414 server using the email spoofer web app, then how to send spoofed txt messages using the same app πŸ™‚ Then Tony used a SIP provider that allowed for spoofing CID to spoof a call to Vlad. Then dw5304 wowed us all with a SNMP scanner he made, showed us some of the results like accessing a routers, modems, and windmills!!

Here are some pics from the meeting thanx to cmoney and congrats to Castor for winning the dc414 free junk giveaway!

Here is Faraday with his raffle winnings!

Here is Castor and his free junk from dc414