My lame IR copy toy.

I got a sweet arduino for my bday and it kind of just sat around till i got a few things together to start work on my first project. Well i finally got off my ass, got all the shit i needed and got to work! I am about half way done and i thought i would share my progress so far. heres a little video of my toy in action and i go over the operation and components.

Here is a better view of how its put together:

And here is my uber 1337 code 😛

#include < IRremote.h >

int IRRECV = 11;
int READYLED = 9;
int IRLED = 3;
int PLAYLED = 2;
decode_results results;
IRrecv irrecv(IRRECV);
IRsend irsend;

void setup()
int codeType = -1;
unsigned int rawCodes[RAWBUF];
int codeLen;
void rec(decode_results *results)
int count = results->rawlen;
codeLen = results->rawlen - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= codeLen; i++) { if (i % 2) { rawCodes[i - 1] = results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK - MARK_EXCESS;
Serial.print(" m");
else {
rawCodes[i - 1] = results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK + MARK_EXCESS;
Serial.print(" s");
Serial.print(rawCodes[i - 1], DEC);
digitalWrite(READYLED, HIGH);

void play()
digitalWrite(PLAYLED, HIGH);
irsend.sendRaw(rawCodes, codeLen, 38);
digitalWrite(PLAYLED, LOW);

void reset()
int codeType = -1;
unsigned int rawCodes[RAWBUF];
int codeLen;
digitalWrite(READYLED, LOW);

void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&results) && digitalRead(READYLED) == LOW) {
if (digitalRead(PLAYBUTTON) == LOW && digitalRead(READYLED) == HIGH)
if (digitalRead(RESETBUTTON) == LOW)

Ok thats all i got, peace.

Repairing HP Ipaq hx2755 SDcard slot

I got the hx2755 a long time ago, back when it was top of the line and it served me well. One day the SDCard slot just stopped working but by that time i had a smart phone and didn’t use it much anymore, my kids used it more then i did. So for a long time it sat taking up space, i had intended to open it up for some time and try to fix it but never had a tool that would allow me to do so. Well i finally got off my ass and made my way to the local hardware store to find the tool i needed, the fucker was $5! So lets get to business! heres a little pick of the device before i opened it up:

So to start i turned it over, removed the battery and unscrewed the four screws i made arrows to in the pic below. One is hidden behind the stylist.

After i got the back off i had two more screws to remove “arrows pointing” and two wires to disconnect “arrows pointing”.

Now i could really open this sucker and take a look at the SDcard slot. Heres what i had to work with:

Now for me to see the pins i had to turn the main board back over and remove the tin shield over the expansion slot. Heres a pick of what im talking about “i put a circle around the shield”:

“Yes i did re-edit a image i already used, needless to say i fucked up lol”

Once i had it removed i was able to see a bent pin for the SDcard slot and used one of my tools to bend it back into place

Then i put it all back together. I was a little amazed it turned on let alone that it actually worked! So now that i have this little guy working like new “almost” again my next move is to put linux or something one it. Wish me luck 😀 Well thats how i repaired my hx2755s SDcard slot. Thats it for now, peace.