Having fun with my Ham

I recently got a radio that I have been playing around with but there isn’t much for traffic in my area and while I can receive a few repeaters I can not transmit to them so I quickly got board and started looking for other things I can do with it.

Thats when I remembered some 2 way radios my brother got me a while back for hunting and such. I knew it had 3 channels but I had no idea what frequency they used or if it fell in the range of my new toy. Not knowing much about the 2 ways I did find a FCC ID on the back of each hand held.

After doing a quick search on the FCC ID I was delighted to see the 2 way radios operated in my toys range 🙂 So I punched the frequency in my ham radio as fast as I could, turned on the 2 way and started transmitting on my ham. I was over joyed to here my sexy voice loud and clear on the 2 way 😀

Now this is nothing new. Its not even hacking, but it sure feels like it. It was fun going from not knowing anything about it to making it work. So that was my first little adventure with radio, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Barcamp MKE 8

BarCampMilwaukee 8
Milwaukee, WI

For the eighth consecutive year, BarCampMilwaukee is returning to Bucketworks the first weekend in October. Bucketworks will host the event at its current Grand Avenue location. Doors open at 9:00 AM, Saturday October 5th.

A BarCamp is a wholly unique event that provides a free, open-environment forum where the participants are in charge of what happens. It is an interactive conversation where professionals and curious alike come to learn, teach, and imagine. This revolutionary “unconference” allows participants to float from one session to another, and encourages the development of interesting ideas and spontaneous discussion. Since the first BarCamp in the US eight years ago, hundreds of BarCamps have been organized throughout the world.

Throughout BarCampMilwaukee’s eight year run, participants have been involved in a wide array of session topics ranging from:
Software Development: Ruby on Rails, Drupal, and JavaScript.
Technologies: 3d printing/scanning, video editing, robots, and solutions for non-profits.
Solutions for small businesses and non-profits.
All the way to things like Zombie Defense Preparation, lockpicking, sushi making, and many other topics for makers, DIYers, artists and other creatives.
Register for BarCampMilwaukee 8 at barcampmilwaukee.org

Bucketworks is a “health club for the brain.” A co-working, meetup, and practice space for creative professionals offering memberships and space rentals for the community. Bucketworks is a program of The School Factory, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that builds value-creating communities and spaces to transform education, economy, and talent.

When: Doors open Saturday, October 5th at 9:00 AM and close at 9:00 PM
Where: Bucketworks -161 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Tim Syth (grow@bucketworks.org)
Director, Bucketworks (414.301.1414)

Info for next meeting.

Because we are still looking for a new home our next meeting will be at The Meetupery:

N69W25055 Indiangrass Lane
Suite G
Sussex, WI 53089

Consider this a little test drive of a new space just opening up. Donations are encouraged. Cash and/or a non-perishable food items.

Can’t make it in person? Add dc414 to one of your circles in Google+
and join our Hangout!

bucketworks PA project

Earlier last week I ended up making a new pa system for Bucketworks. Now what most people will not realize is everything at Bucketworks is hacked to gather and this is no different. I was asked to make a low power radio system for notifying people within Bucketworks for people at the door and other uses, seeing we would need to file for an fcc licence i decided to go another route and the Bucketworks pa project was born.

during our wondering around at Bucketworks we (paul,eli,and I) have come across manly things one of them things was an old pa speaker and I got to thinking does it still work? I ended up wiring one up to an amp, we found in the basement along with a old audio mixer seen below after finding out we had a bad 1/4″ cable.

and low and behold it worked.

The next step was to figure out where all the rest of the speakers were located and where to run the wires back to the server room where we were going to store the audio equipment. we ended up finding a total of 5 speakers wired them in and played some Pandora over the new pa system. I had to modify a cable to go from the “server” to the audio board.

I then set to making the Bucketworks pa bot. This bot is a windows client that logs in into an irc channel and organically just sent text to a text to speech function over the sound board. I expanded it to authenticate, noaa weather warnings, play music, tell the time and a few other functions.

After showing it to a few guys we ended up hearing this and we all started laughing.

and the Bucketworks pa project was complete.
If there is any interest i will upload the code if it is wanted.

Some awesome useful irssi scripts.

If you dont already know to use scripts you have to put any scripts in:

/home/< your_user >/.irssi/scripts/

And to load it into irssi use:

/script load < script_name.pl >

adv_windowlist.pl – If you have lots of windows open in irssi like me this script will make your life much easier. It adds a permanent advanced window list in a statusbar by default. You can configure it to put it on a sidebar if you like.

trackbar.pl – This little script will do just one thing: it will draw a line each time you switch away from a window. This way, you always know just up to where you’ve been reading that window 🙂 It also removes the previous drawn line, so you don’t see double lines.

nickcolor.pl – In channels with lots of activity, all nicks having the same old white color can get a little crazy, this script gives each user is own color and put a little organization to the chaos.

spell.pl – Spell check for irssi. This script takes a little setup. first you have to install Lingua::Ispell and Ispell using the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install ispell liblingua-ispell-perl

It should pull in a number of other packages including a dictionary. I actually received an error as well, but it seems safe to ignore:

error in control file: `Index' value missing for format `info' at /usr/sbin/install-docs line 709, line 16.

Now load the script into irssi and bind Alt-s as a short cut to check the line you wish to send.
to bind Alt-s type the following into irssi:

/bind meta-s /_spellcheck

Also set the max guesses:

/set spell_max_guesses 3

Now your ready to use this script. After you type a message before you hit enter hit Alt-s and this script if you have any misspelled words and give you up to three guesses for correction.

Hyper-v User rights assignment

So if your like most admin’s you and have a bunch of Support staff some times its just easier to give them access to hyper-v then to have them wait for the admin to complete a simple task (ex.make a snapshot). The only issue with this is the fact they can do things we don’t want… for instance turn a machine off reboot change settings like nics along w/ creating new machines. So i went looking and apparently there is a way to restrict this so this post goes to show how we can.

Assigning Rights to hyper-v
Open mmc.exe

Click file then add/remote snap-in

Select authorization manager and hit add and ok

Then right click on Open Authorization Store….

Select XML file then hit browse

Goto \\Server_name\c$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\ and select InitialStore.xml

Then hit ok

Role Assignments
Select the Role we want to assign in this case its Administrator

Right click and click assign User and Groups then select from Windows and Active Directory…

Enter username you want to assign rights to. And hit ok

That user will now have admin rights.

Creating New Role Definitions
(what rights does this group have?)
Expand intialstore.xml -> Hyper-v services ->Definitions ->Role Definitions

Right click Role definitions and click new role Definitions

Then enter a name and click add…

Select Operations tab

Then add what rights you want that role to have by checking the checkbox and hitting ok, ok.

Now that we have a new role definitions created now we need to create role assignments see role assignments Section.

Role Assignments
Right click create new role assignment

Select what role that’s been defined

And hit ok

Now we need to add user into this group see Role Assignments

WDS Mananger on windows 8

Apparently Microsoft did not include WDS manager with there server 2012 RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) once again…
to enable remote wds control place the fallowing script in a batchfile and run batchfile.bat wdsservername

copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\WdsMgmt.msc c:\windows\system32\WdsMgmt.msc
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\en-US\WdsMgmt.msc c:\windows\system32\en-US\WdsMgmt.msc
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\wdsmgmt.dll c:\windows\system32\wdsmgmt.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\en-US\wdsmgmt.dll.mui c:\windows\system32\en-US\wdsmgmt.dll.mui
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\WdsImage.dll c:\windows\system32\WdsImage.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\en-US\WdsImage.dll.mui c:\windows\system32\en-US\WdsImage.dll.mui
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\wdscsl.dll c:\windows\system32\wdscsl.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\wdstptc.dll c:\windows\system32\wdstptc.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\WdsTptMgmt.dll c:\windows\system32\WdsTptMgmt.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\en-US\WdsTptMgmt.dll.mui c:\windows\system32\en-US\WdsTptMgmt.dll.mui
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\wdsmmc.dll c:\windows\system32\wdsmmc.dll
copy \\%1\c$\windows\system32\en-US\wdsmmc.dll.mui c:\windows\system32\en-US\wdsmmc.dll.mui
regsvr32 WdsMgmt.dll
regsvr32 WdsTptMgmt.dll
regsvr32 WdsMmc.dll

once you do its now possible to remotely manage wds servers in your network by typing WdsMgmt.msc in search.